The Ladies Guild Christmas Boutique will take place on Saturday, December 7th and Sunday December 8th. We are looking for donations of anything Christmas and craft related (Think decorations and gifts). Remember, the Boutique is only 7 weeks away! For more information contact Sandy Hoffer at 828-644-0729 or Marie Keffer at 828-494-5262.
Save The Date! Our traditional Parish Thanksgiving Dinner will take place on Sunday November 24th after the 11AM Mass. This is the perfect time for all of us to come together in fellowship and celebrate the many blessings we have received this past year. A sign-up sheet to promote your "famous" covered dish is in the Commons.
Our Ladies Guild will host their first Father's Day Brunch immediately after the 11 AM Mass, Sunday, June 16th. Please stay after Mass and join us in celebrating that special father, grandfather, great-grandfather or godfather who has inspired us throughout our lives. A free will offering will be taken.
Ladies, January the Ladies Guild will not be meeting in order for all of us to recover from the busy holiday season. Please get your ideas together for our next meeting, February 19th, on how we can make a difference in our Parish and our community.
The Annual Ladies Guild Christmas Luncheon is at Haney's Restaurant in Peachtree. The cost is $15 for a lunch, drink, dessert, tax and tip. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the Commons to make your luncheon selection. All ladies of the Parish are invited to attend this fun event. For more information, please contact Sandy Hoffer at 828-644-0729.
Ladies of St. William and IHM: Come join the fun at our annual Christmas Ornament Exchange and Luncheon on Monday, December 3rd from 11:30AM to 3PM in the Fellowship Hall at IHM. Bring a Christmas ornament to exchange, a ($) donation for Sr. Terry’s Christmas ministry, and a dish to share for the luncheon. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex (IHM) and in the Commons (St. William). If you have any questions, please contact Jeannine McNeill, (828) 321-4064 or Joanne Moore (828) 361-5046.
Donations for the Ladies Guild Hidden Treasures Sale at the Cajun Fest on Saturday, Sept. 15 will be gratefully accepted before the Saturday and Sunday Masses the weekends of August 25-26, Sept. 1-2 and 8-9. Please bring your donations to the conference room. Due to space restrictions, we are NOT able to accept clothes, luggage, large electronics and books.
Our Men’s Club will host their annual Mother’s Day Brunch immediately after the 11AM Mass Sunday, May 13th. Please stay after Mass and join us in celebrating that special mother, grandmother, great-grandmother or godmother who has inspired us throughout our lives. A free will offering will be taken.
The Ladies Guild Annual Christmas Boutique is the weekend of December 2nd and 3rd before and after Mass. So to all of you very talented people - we need your super items for the sale. Sewing, crocheting, knitting, baking and quilting - all are welcome. Thank you for your continued support of our ministry.
Tickets for an original watercolor painting by Bob Daniels will be on sale in the Commons after Mass the weekends of September 2-3 and 9-10. The drawing will take place after Sunday Mass, September 10th. Click heading for full details.
LADIES SAVE THE DATE!—Polish your silver, dust your best china, and get out your fancy hats! St. William is hosting a Ladies High Tea on Saturday June 17th from 1:00—3:30PM in the Sr. Terry Martin Fellowship Hall at Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tickets are $5.00 per person. This is a very classy and fun event, and all are invited. Click on the heading for more details.