Stewardship will meet Monday at 10AM followed by Evangelization at 11:30AM. All are invited to join us in the Commons and learn about our work in the Mission Field.
Brown Bag Fatima Series will continue this Tuesday at 11:30AM in the Commons. Our topic for this session is: Fatima: the great sign and World War II. All are invited.
Our traditional Parish Thanksgiving Dinner will take place on Sunday, November 18th after the 11AM Mass. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy will be provided. A sign up sheet is on the Bulletin Board in the Commons for side dishes. Bring your favorite side dish and join fellow parishioners in thanksgiving for all of God’s gifts to us.
DSA and Priest Retirement Second Collections. In order to reach the assessment goals for DSA and Priest Retirement, the members of the Finance and Parish Councils have scheduled second collections for the following weekend: December 15-16 DSA and/ or Priest Retirement. Your continued support will help us reach our goals. Thank you
Ladies of St. William and IHM: Come join the fun at our annual Christmas Ornament Exchange and Luncheon on Monday, December 3rd from 11:30AM to 3PM in the Fellowship Hall at IHM. Bring a Christmas ornament to exchange, a ($) donation for Sr. Terry’s Christmas ministry, and a dish to share for the luncheon. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex (IHM) and in the Commons (St. William). If you have any questions, please contact Jeannine McNeill, (828) 321-4064 or Joanne Moore (828) 361-5046.
Annulments. Bishop Jugis has appointed Don Cattaneo as the Advocate for St. William and IHM. Anyone who wants information or has a question about Annulments, please contact Don at 828-835-3413.