Grades 1-6 and Confirmation resume Wed. Sept. 19, 2018. Classes run from 6:00-7:30PM in the Seiglie Center. Registration will take place Sept.19th from 5:30-6:00 before regular classes begin. Only first graders and new students to the program need to complete a full registration form. All other students need to have their information verified by a parent. Verification and registration will take place on the Sieglie Center porch. You may download a registration form at or pick one up from the table in the Commons. Contact Charlene Davidson at [email protected] or call Charlene at: (828-541-9300). The children are the church's future. If we do not teach our children, the church has no future. There is a meeting for Catechists following Mass Sunday 8/26/18 in the Commons. If you are interested in aiding in one of the classrooms, please let us know by joining us. Thank you.